Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The American People's Court


After watching an informational video about the Supreme Court, I was able to fully grasp just how fragile and important this system is. The Supreme Court is "the most powerful judicial body on earth" yet their power lies in public faith and the trust of the American people. 

The Supreme Court is made up of the chief justice of the United States and eight justices who all make their decisions on cases based solely on the Constitution. The Supreme Court determines their decision on a case in private. During the video, some of the justices stated that they go into conference with an idea of their decision and sometimes end up changing their decision based on what is said by another justice. Serving on the Supreme Court is an immense responsibility, advice from experienced justices to newer justices have said to give it three or five years then the work will not seem overwhelming. The Supreme Court receives about a hundred new cases every week yet they only consider about a hundred a year. Something that stood out to me is that the justices individually meet every week to choose cases to consider and no matter who and where the case comes from they all receive the same consideration. 

Overall, it is important to know that the Supreme Courts "legitimacy is in the Constitution". The Constitution is the basis of freedom and Americans accept that. If the court were to ever stop supporting the Constitution or the people ignored the court's power then the Constitution that keeps the United States one of the freest nations in the world "would cease to exist". 

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